Life And Death Thru A Animals Eyes
                                                       Marine Life

Marine life is the essence of MarineBio, so in this section we explore information on the science, biology, taxonomy, morphology, behavior, and ecological relationships of the fascinating marine life that inhabits the ocean.

 the tan words are  links to info.. also see  videos at the bottom of the page ...

What is Marine Biology?
Learn all about the science of Marine Biology. A History of the Study of Marine Biology
Captain James Cook (1728-1779) in 18th century Britain... The Naming of Life: Marine Taxonomy
Classification of species into evolutionary relationships. Forests of the Sea
Phytoplankton, diatoms, dinoflagellates, algae, sea grasses, and kelp... Coral Reefs
Shelter, recreation, medicines, sand... the work of millions of coral polyps... Zooplankton
Billions of tiny animals found throughout the ocean. Marine Invertebrates
These spineless animals include sponges, cnidarians, worms, mollusks... Marine Vertebrates
From polar bears to the 27,000+ species of fishes and counting... Structures & Adaptations to Marine Living
Fins, scales, flashing lights... Grazers & Predators
We're familiar with grazers and predators on land, how do they behave in the sea? Marine Life Cycles
Fission, budding, eggs that hatch internally, eggs that hatch externally, live births... Symbionts, Parasites, Hosts & Cooperation
Every form of interaction between species. Marine Ecology
Marine life habitats, populations and interactions among organisms... Trophic Structure
All organisms can be placed in trophic levels depending what energy source they rely upon... Biotic Structure
The way organisms interact within an ecosystem. Food webs vs food chains... Ecological Regulation
Complex webs of factors that fit together to form balanced life systems... Marine Species Database
Endangered, threatened, and most common marine species. Marine Life Photos
Browse photos from some of the world's best photographers and MarineBio staff... Marine Life Videos
Videos from expeditions and across the Web of marine life... Marine Life Forums
The latest research & news, marine conservation, marine animals & plants...

Sharks & Rays | Fishes | Squid & Octopuses | Reptiles | Birds | Seals & Sea lions+ | Whales & Dolphins

What is Marine Biology?
- Marine biology is the study of life in the oceans and other saltwater environments such as estuaries and wetlands. All plant and animal life forms are included from the microscopic picoplankton all the way to the majestic blue whale, the largest creature in the sea—and for that matter in the world...

A History of the Study of Marine Biology
- It wasn't until the writings of Aristotle from 384-322 BC that specific references to marine life were recorded. Aristotle identified a variety of species including crustaceans, echinoderms, mollusks, and fish...

The Naming of Life: Marine Taxonomy
- Marine taxonomy and the science of naming life and evolutionary relationships...

Forests of the Sea: Phytoplankton and Marine plants
- Phytoplankton, Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, Algae, Seagrasses, and Kelp Beds: Forests of the Sea...

Coral Reefs
- Importance, variety and conservation issues...

- Taxonomy, Nanoplanktonic Flagellates, Cnidarians, Rotifera, Chaetognatha, Marine Gastropods, Polychaeta, Copepods, Cladocerans, Krill, Insect Larvae, Tunicates...

Marine Invertebrates
- Sponges, Cnidarians, Worms, Lophophorates, Molluscs, Arthropods, Echinoderms, and Hemichordates...

Marine Vertebrates
- Fishes, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals...

The Structures & Adaptations to Marine Living
- Here we look at the development and uses of marine body types, common characteristics like fins, scales and shells. We'll see how "different" marine life really is...

The Grazers & Predators
- Let's look at the different roles of marine life. We're familiar with grazers and predators on land, how do they behave in the sea..?

Marine Life Cycles
- We have fission, budding, eggs that hatch internally, eggs that hatch externally, live births, some start as plankton (zooplankton), some are born in fresh water, some are born on land...

Symbionts, Parasites, Hosts & Cooperation
- Every form of interaction between different species is seen in the sea. Some creatures depend on each other for food, protection or a just a safe place to lay eggs. A parasite isn't always bad... see examples of cooperation that we humans could learn from...

Marine Ecology
- Marine life habitats, populations and interactions among organisms and their environment...

Trophic Structure
- All organisms in an ecosystem can be placed in trophic levels depending what energy source they rely upon and how they provide energy for other organisms in the food web...

Biotic Structure
- The way organisms interact within an ecosystem. Food webs vs food chains, trophic levels, symbiosis, predators...

Ecological Regulation
- Complex webs of factors that fit together to form balanced life systems capable of withstanding most changes...

Marine Species Database
- Search/browse our growing database of endangered, threatened, and most common marine species...

Marine Life Photos
- Browse photos of marine life from some of the world's best photographers and MarineBio staff from around the world...

Marine Life Videos
- Watch videos from MarineBio Expeditions and across the Web of marine life and related movies and documentaries...

Marine Life Forums
- Join discussions involving the latest research & news, marine conservation, marine animals & plants, and much more...

Marine Biology News [ScienceDaily]

Increased Ocean Acidification In Alaska Waters, New Findings Show
The same things that make Alaska's marine waters among the most productive in the world may also make them the most vulnerable to ocean acidification. According to new findings, Alaska's oceans are becoming increasingly acidic, which could damage Alaska's king crab and salmon fisheries.

To Manage A Fishery, You Must Know How The Fish Die
Fishermen know you need good fishery management to ensure healthy fish populations for future generations. And good decisions rely on understanding fish mortality -- how many fish die each year as a result of natural causes and recreational and commercial fishing. Scientists have utilized new research to give fishery managers better data on how fish are dying, so they can make informed decisions on how to ensure a healthy fish population.

Nitrogen Fixation And Phytoplankton Blooms In The Southwest Indian Ocean
New observations help understand the massive blooms of microscopic marine algae -- phytoplankton -- in the seas around Madagascar and its effect on the biogeochemistry of the southwest Indian Ocean.

Scientists Conduct Shark Survey Off U.S. East Coast
Sandbar, dusky and tiger sharks are among dozens of shark species living in the coastal waters off the U.S. East Coast. Little is known about many of the species, but a survey begun nearly 25 years ago is helping scientists and fishery resource managers to monitor shark populations and their role in marine ecosystems

Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary Among Healthiest Coral Reefs In Gulf Of Mexico
Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary is among the healthiest coral reef ecosystems in the tropical Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, according to NOAA researchers. Their report offers insights into the coral and fish communities within the sanctuary based on data collected in 2006 and 2007.

Ocean Health Plays Vital Role In Coral Reef Recovery
A new study shows that bleached corals bounce back to normal growth rates more quickly when they have clean water and plentiful sea life at their side.

Manganese Damages Immune Response In Marine Animals, Research Finds
Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen, in bottom waters is a well known environmental problem. New research in Sweden adds to the list of ill effects: hypoxia leads to increased levels of manganese, which damages the immune response in marine animals.

Invasive Species Threaten Critical Habitats, Oyster Among Victims
A study of oyster reefs in a once-pristine California coastal estuary found them devastated by invasive Atlantic Coast crabs and snails, providing new evidence of the consequences when human activities move species beyond their natural borders.

Marine Microbes Creating Green Waves In Industry
New technology designed to analyze large numbers of novel marine microbes could lead to more efficient and greener ways to manufacture new drugs for conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes, flu and other viruses, as well as improving the manufacture of other products such as agrochemicals.

Douglas-fir, Geoducks Make Strange Bedfellows In Studying Climate Change
Scientists are comparing annual growth rings of the Pacific Northwest's largest bivalve and its most iconic tree for clues to how living organisms may have responded to changes in climate.

Great Diversity Of Marine Plankton Drive Oceanic Photosynthesis
Marine biologists have demonstrated that there is considerable diversity amongst the smallest microalgae belonging to the group of so-called haptophytes. Scientists have shown that these photosynthetic microorganisms, highly diversified and extremely abundant, are some of the most important producers of oceanic organic matter.

Marine Pest Species Costing Billions In Damage To Fisheries, Coastal Communities And Infrastructure Are Spreading
Marine pest species costing billions in damage to fisheries, coastal communities and infrastructure are spreading as the world's shipping nations continue to largely neglect bringing into effect an international treaty setting out requirements for consistent handling and treatment of ships' ballast water, according to new report.

Bringing Fish From Ocean Floor: Carefully Released Rockfish Can Survive Barotrauma
Research has shown that carefully recompressing rockfish that have been brought up from the ocean floor may help them temporarily recover from the rapid change in pressure, but scientists have been uncertain whether there were any long-lasting effects on the fish.

Venomous Sea Snakes Play Heads Or Tails With Their Predators
A new discovery reveals how venomous sea snakes deceive their predators into believing they have two heads.

Shipwrecks Wrecking Coral Reefs? A Case Study At Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge
For the first time, researchers have definitively shown that shipwrecks and other man-made structures increase the potential for large invasions of unwanted species into coral reefs, even comparatively pristine ones. These unwanted species can completely overtake a reef and eliminate native corals, dramatically decreasing the diversity of marine organisms on the reef. Coral reefs can undergo fast changes in their dominant life forms, a phenomenon referred to as phase shift.

First-ever 'Wanderlust Gene' Found In Tiny Bony Fish
A gene previously associated with physical traits is also dictating behavior in a tiny fish widely regarded as a living model of Darwin's natural selection theory, according to a new study.

Sick Fish May Get Sicker Due To Climate Change And Other Stresses
Entire populations of North American fish already are being affected by several emerging diseases, a problem that threatens to increase in the future with climate change and other stresses on aquatic ecosystems, according to biologists.

Coral Reefs Face Increasing Difficulties Recovering From Storm Damage
As global warming whips up more powerful and frequent hurricanes and storms, the world's coral reefs face increased disruption to their ability to breed and recover from damage. "We have found clear evidence that coral recruitment -- the regrowth of young corals -- drops sharply in the wake of a major bleaching event or a hurricane," says the lead author of the study.

Consider The Oyster (and Ocean Farming)
There are cynics who see only catastrophic answers to Earth's population explosion: War and pestilence come to mind. Then there are those who look a little deeper. Not even two feet deep, to be precise, into the placid tidal pools dotting the world's coastlines. It is on a coastal flat in the Pacific Northwest, that marine biologists are pinning their hopes on the quest for bigger and faster-growing oysters.

Threats To California's Cordell Bank Marine Sanctuary
A new report on the health of Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary indicates that the overall condition of the sanctuary's marine life and habitats is fair to good, but identifies several emerging threats to sanctuary resources.